Fentanyl Awareness

The safety and well-being of our community is always of utmost importance. We’re doing our part to raise public awareness about an urgent problem.

Currently, fentanyl is being found in nearly all street drugs. Fentanyl is now involved in more deaths of Americans under 50 than any other cause, including heart disease, cancer, homicide, suicide, and other accidents.

We invite you to take action with us today to help spread the word and save lives:

  1. Watch & Talk – Watch our four-minute Counterfeit Pills – You Need to Know video.
  2. Recognize & Respond – Watch this video to learn the signs of an overdose and how to respond.


Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community”

Recovery Month celebrates people in recovery and recognizes the dedicated workers who provide the prevention, treatment, and recovery support services our community needs. In Henrico County in 2022, there were 78 deaths by overdose.  This is more than the amount of homicides (30) and motor vehicle accident deaths (32) combined.  With these numbers on the rise, recovery month is more important than ever.

Recovery Stories with Henrico Area Mental Health & Developmental Services

As told on September 9, 2021 as part of National Recovery Month.

This year’s Recovery Month theme is “Recovery is for Everyone.” It serves as a reminder to our community members in recovery, as well as those who support them, that no one is alone on this journey!

Our Mission

The overall mission of the Addiction Task Force is to stop the opiate overdose deaths in our community and to promote treatment for the citizens that are affected by this epidemic.


Red Ribbon Week

Henrico strives to create a healthy, drug-free community. In recognition of Red Ribbon Week (Oct. 23-31, 2020), the county and its Addiction Task Force developed a six-part video series to discourage drug use and promote treatment and recovery for those struggling with addiction.